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"Equity, Narrative, and Mathematics Education in Qatar" by Dr. Summer Bateiha and Sadia Mir at the American Educational Research Association (AERA) National Conference: Chicago, USA, April 13 - 16, 2023.

“Fractions at Ramadan.” VCUarts Qatar Research Labs at the Anderson Gallery, Richmond, USA: Sept. 9 - Oct. 28, 2022.


Numeracy for a Just World by Dr. Summer Bateiha and Sadia Mir, 2020.


Teaching Mathematics Through Culturally Relevant Storytelling by Dr. Summer Bateiha and Sadia Mir in Within the Knot: Liberal Arts Perspectives on Globalization and Transnationalism, 2019.


Spring Bloom: A Math Adventure Story by Sadia Mir and Dr. Summer Bateiha, 2019.


Engaging with Mathematics Through Three Types of Storytelling by Dr. Summer Bateiha and Sadia Mir in Proceedings of the 15th International Conference of The Mathematics Education for the Future Project Theory and Practice: An Interface or A Great Divide? 2019.


"Reimaging Curriculum: Turning Towards Underrepresented Communities" by Dr. Summer Bateiha and Sadia Mir at the Research Council on Mathematics Learning (RCML) National Conference: Las Vegas, USA, March 2-4, 2023.


"Reimaging Curriculum: Responding to Qatari Culture Through Mathematics" by Dr. Summer Bateiha and Sadia Mir at the STEM Education Approaches and Challenges in the MENA Region.


"Multimodal Mathematics Research Lab" by Dr. Summer Bateiha and Sadia Mir at the Institute for Creative Research Launch, VCUarts Qatar, Doha, Qatar, May 2022.


"Ramadan Stories: Multimodal Mathematics Research Lab" by H. Al-Khuzaei, S. Ali, and L. Mohamed at the STEAM Showcase 2022, Texas A&M University, October 31, 2022. Local, Poster Presentation.


"The Role of the Arts in Fostering Critical Consciousness in Mathematics Education" by Dr. Summer Bateiha at Texas A&M University, Doha, Qatar, on October 5, 2022.


"Rooting Interdisciplinary Collaboration in Social Justice" by Dr. Summer Bateiha and Sadia Mir. The 49th Annual Conference of the Research Council on Mathematics Learning. Grapevine, Texas, USA, 2022.
“M3CL: Multimodal, Multicultural, Mathematical Children’s Literature” by Sadia Mir and Dr. Summer Bateiha at the 25th Congress of the International Research Society for Children’s Literature. Santiago, Chile, 2021.


“Mathematics and Storytelling: A Collaborative Approach” by Dr. Summer Bateiha and Sadia Mir at the Qatar Faculty Forum. Northwestern University in Qatar. Doha, Qatar, 2020.


“Engaging with Mathematics Through Three Types of Storytelling by Dr. Summer Bateiha and Sadia Mir at the 15th International Conference of The Mathematics Education for the Future Project Theory and Practice: An Interface or A Great Divide? Maynooth University, Kildare, Ireland, 2019.


“Teaching Mathematics Through Storytelling” by Dr. Summer Bateiha and Sadia Mir at the Teaching and Learning Committee: VCUarts Collaborative Projects, VCUarts Qatar. Doha, Qatar, 2018.

“Teaching Mathematics Through Culturally Relevant Storytelling” by Dr. Summer Bateiha and Sadia Mir at The Liberal Arts International Conference. Texas A&M University in Qatar. Doha, Qatar, 2018.


“Learning Mathematics Through Storytelling” by Dr. Summer Bateiha at Qatar Math Day. Qatar University, Doha, Qatar, 2018.


"Miscommunication in a Collectivist Culture" by Dr. Summer Bateiha and Sadia Mir at the Annual Conference of the Research Council on Mathematics Learning: Baton Rouge, LA, United States, 2018.


"Critical Consciousness for Leaders through Mathematics" by Dr. Summer Bateiha at the STEAM Panel, Women in Leadership Conference: Plenary Address. Carnegie Mellon University Qatar, Doha, Qatar.



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